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Serial Prescriptions at Howden Medical Practice

Serial Prescribing at Howden Medical Group Practice.

A serial prescription is a new type of prescription for medicines taken for long-term conditions. A serial prescription means that you can get your regular, repeat medicines straight from your pharmacy without having to order a prescription from your GP beforehand. Your GP or pharmacy team working in the practice may have suggested that you are suitable for a serial prescriptions which are valid for 24 to 56 weeks once issued. This means you won’t need to order your repeat medicines from your GP practice during that time. Instead, your nominated pharmacy will keep hold of your serial prescription and supply your medicines usually every 8 weeks (56 days). However, not all your items on your repeat list may be suitable to be issued on a serial prescription. If this is the case, these items will still need to be ordered from your GP practice when you require them, such as creams or angina sprays.

Serial Prescribing at Howden Medical Group Practice

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